Tuesday 8 October 2013

A Walk in the Park ... Southern Ridges (Part III)

The last leg of my exploratory venture into the Southern Ridges. The entrance to Kent Ridge Park is marked out quite clearly in HortPark, it's just after the glasshouses. A winding path uphill takes you to a sort-of T-junction. The left leads to Bukit Chandu and the right goes on to Kent Ridge Park. Bukit Chandu it was for me as my last visit was like 8 years ago? The museum doesn't seem to have changed much. Right opposite the main entrance is the Canopy Walk, an elevated boardwalk among the treetops. The other end of the boardwalk leads to Kent Ridge Park. It was quiet in the afternoon. I was totally thrilled to see my first ever wild and live woodpecker - couldn't quite believe my eyes. The ignorant me didn't even know that there were woodpeckers in SG! The only woodpecker I'm familiar with is Woody! The paths around the park (after the car park) are a little confusing. I wandered around before ending up at Science Park, and effectively bringing my Southern Ridges adventure to an end.

Reflections at Bukit Chandu

Canopy Walk

View from Canopy Walk. The winding path on the right
leads down to HortPark.

Many signages to point the way

Part of Kent Ridge Park

What exactly is there to see when one sits at this bench?
You must be one very die-hard fern lover to sit there.

Common Flameback or Golden-backed Woodpecker

The colours make it stand out

Lots of greenery at Kent Ridge Park

View of the Southern Islands from a look-out point

If you're interested in the names ...

Car-park at Kent Ridge Park

Look more like Sleep-out Point!!

Commemorating the Battle for Pasir Panjang

White-crested Laughing Thrush.
There were 5 of them there...a family?

I think this is a female Brown-Throated Sunbird

Ended up at DSO in Science Park.
Took Bus 92 to the MRT Station

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