Tuesday 21 February 2012

Good bargains

There are still good bargains to be had if you look hard enough or if Lady Luck is smiling at you. Bought a pair of Eastern Mountain Sports (EMS) cargo pants for 180,000vnd (US$9). Compare this with the same pair on EMS website for US$55. Bought it at the Russian Market.


Hồ Quốc Nam said...

Where exactly is Russian Market, teacher? Is it in HCM city?

Ben said...

Hi Nam. Long time no see! Pls see this post on Russian Market : http://www.his3site.com/2009/10/russian-market-re-discovered.html

There used to be 2 Russian Markets in 2011 but one was closed late in the year, leaving the above one which is a little out of the way for tourists. But I'm sure you'll have no problem finding it.