Thursday 24 April 2008

Disaster Strikes!

I've neglected this blog and now I'm back at it again. It's been terribly slow since Jan 08 - progress is simply measured in inches, at times slip-sliding along - you move 2 steps and slide back 1 type of situation. Today, it is confirmed that the two houses I rented for my school CANNOT be used for a school. Can you beat that? I was given the impression that we could side-track the problems and be given the license. Now it's back to the drawing board. It's been more than a month since I signed the agreement but seems to be like a year. Should I be surprise? Shock? I'm simply numb to such things - trying hard not to panick as it doesn't help. All the planning for more than a month down the drain again. Is it painful? I don't know. I'm learning, the hard way, to expect anything in every sense of the word. Perhaps I should learn more from my VN partner who is grateful that he is alive today after serving in Iraq for 4 years. Nothing surprises him any longer - take everything in your stride seems to be his motto. Guess I'll have to do that - what else is there to do? Tear my hair? There isn't much left to do that, as you can see here.

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